Agile Self Development

Ep. 20 – WTF Makes A Great First Time Manager with Melinda George-Bristol

Meet my guest Melina George-Bristol, founder of HR Inspired Business Solutions which specializes in Leadership Coaching and Human Resources Consulting. As a leadership coach, Melinda understands the challenges of starting out in management with little training and lots of expectations.  She’s passionate about helping first-time managers grow into competent and happy leaders, as well as showing small to medium businesses how to achieve higher productivity and employee engagement by implementing best HR practices.

  1. Too often first-time managers are left to sink or swim, lacking the support and tools to succeed.
  2. It’s imperative for new or first-time managers to invest in their own development; and now is a great time to hone skills and identify areas for improvement and education.
  3. We need to be authentic as a manager and cautious about emulating other more seasoned managers who may not share your values and styles.

You can reach Melinda through her website at or on instagram @hrinspired.

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